Welcome to a day about development!
Visitors see no borders. How can we ourselves think without boundaries and allow the attractiveness of places to be connected in an organic way?
On 18 March, we - the tourism industry and the public sector - come together for the first time for Fjärdhundraland Day, on how to build destinations in harmony with the local community.
Fjärdhundraland invites you who work with development issues, rural areas or tourism - regions, county councils, municipalities and organizations, together with companies and organizations in the tourism industry. The aim is to create contacts and ideas, across borders.
We want to make a day that provides inspiration, knowledge and new contacts. Please recommend a colleague!
Time: 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Tuesday, March 18, 2025.
Place: Ekolsund Castle, Enköping.
Sign up by February 14.
Moderator: Elin Nyfjord.
8:30 Coffee, registration
9.00 Thomas Björk, Chair of Fjärdhundraland, welcomed everyone.
Stefan Attefall, County Governor of Uppsala County, introduces the day
How have we done and where are we going?
Mats Thorburn, Vice President Fjärdhundraland
Good examples
The beak and the Hornudden garden.
Cooperation between municipalities and businesses, a success factor
Anna Holmström, Business Manager, Enköping Municipality
Innovations in tourism - cultural tourists or place development?
Jan Sandred, Program Manager Innovation Management, Tillväxtverket.
12.00 Lunch on local ingredients, served at Ekolsunds Wärdshus.
13.30 Summary of the workshops. How do we move forward?
14.45 Closing, mingle and coffee.
Reservation for changes in the program.
Practical information
Target group
- Officials and elected representatives working in or interested in tourism, spatial planning, business and rural development.
- Tourism within Fjärdhundraland.
Ekolsund Castle, Enköping.
The Fjärdhundraland Day is free of charge and is financed by Fjärdhundraland Economic Association with co-funding from the European Union through Leader Mälardalen. Food and refreshments during the day are paid by the visitors, and cost SEK 390 + booking fee.
Traveling by public transport
Bus 803 stops at the stop "Ekolsunds gård" and takes 25 minutes from Bålsta and 17 minutes from Enköping. 300 meters walk to Ekolsunds Wärdshus. To Enköping there are SJ trains and UL buses, to Bålsta there are SL commuter trains, SJ trains and UL buses.
Parking is available at Ekolsunds Wärdshus. Charging points for electric cars are available.
Fjärdhundraland economic association.
More information
Program and content:
Mats Thorburn, Vice Chairman Fjärdhundraland ek för
Telephone: 0701-73 93 99
Venue and food:
Elin Nyfjord, Ekolsund Castle
Telephone: 073-531 20 53
Warm welcome!
Fjärdhundraland is a visitor area with members in ten municipalities in four counties: Uppsala, Stockholm, Södermanland and Västmanlands län. Fjärdhundraland won the 2019 Stora Turismpriset.
Co-financed by the European Union through Leader Mälardalen.